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January 13-16, 2020- Taal Volcano Eruption Relief Operations

Last January 12, 2020, Taal Volcano erupted which prompted the evacuation of people from nearby areas/barangays from the volcano. Many evacuees had to leave their houses and their belongings and some were only able to pack and bring few items to the evacuation centers.

CPM saw the need to help and volunteer to provide some relief on some of the evacuees and teamed-up with Philippine Red Cross to provide hot meals, groceries, toiletries, dust masks and clothings.

We understand, symphatize and emphatize with our fellow Batangueños and we also thank our fellow Filipinos from other provinces and regions in extending help to those who are in need.

2020 January Taal Relief Operations
2021 April - Tree Planting Activity

2021 april tree planting activity

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April 18-25, 2021- Tree Planting Activity

Despite the pandemic that the world is experiencing brought by Covid-19 virus, around 50 employess of CPMCGSI took part in the individual tree planting activity as part of Company's celebration of Safety Day 2021.


This is also part of CPM's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) where the protection and sustainability of our environment is of prime importance to us. 

Each one of us has the responsibility to save our planet.


Let us do our part to take care of our environment.



September 10, 2022, Saturday-CPMCGSI CSR-Coastal Clean-up Activity

Last September 5, 2022, the Management instructed CSR Team to prepare and arrange a coastal clean-up activity at SHIFT Jetty Approach shoreline in preparation for an incoming visitor the following week.


CPM  took this as an opportunity to hold and observe the International Coastal Clean-up Day (being celebrated on September 17, 2022).


On September 10, 2022, Saturday, about 50-55 personnel from CPMCGSI mobilized at SHIFT Jetty Shoreline to clean--up the ~50m shoreline.


Eight (8) groups were formed with specific functions to ensure a safe, organized and successful CSR Coastal Clean-up activity will be achieved -  G0-Steering/Auditors; G1-Logistics and Coordinators; G2-Biodegradable Wastes (green sacks); G3-Non-Biodegradable Wastes (white sacks; G4-Recyclable Wastes (blue sacks); G5-Power Saw Operators Group; G6- Clearing and Hauling Team 1; G7-Clearing and Hauling Team 2.

The day was so tiring yet fulfilling and for sure the team has grown more mature in terms of appreciating more in cleaning the environment as this has an impact as well for both mankind and the marine life.





CPM plans to do Coastal Clean-up Day EVERY 3 MONTHS on the same location with the approval from Client stakeholders, rendering this area an ADOPTED AREA by CPMCGSI.


2022 September Coastal Cleanup at SHIFT Jetty Shoreline

2022 September 23 PSFI Tab Aplaya Coastal Cleanup

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September 23, 2022, Friday-PSFI Tabangao Aplaya-Coastal Clean-up Activity

Last September 23, 2022, 5 CPM representatives participated in Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. (PSFI) Coastal Clean-up Activity at Tabangao Aplaya, Batangas City.


Representatives from AHSSEP SHIFT Committee, Inc. were seen also joining hand in hand in helping the coastal areas at Tabangao Aplaya be cleaner than before.

City ENRO also came and gave the opening remarks prior the start of clean-up. LGU waste collection team also came after the cleanup to collect the segregated wastes collected which were weighed prior to hauling.

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The human generated wastes were brought by frequent raining that may have come flowing from the rivers then leading to the seas and ocean.


The removal of non-biodegradable wastes especially the small ones may help prevent microplastics from being eaten by marine life which may kill them or eventually be served on our tables as food that may contain microplastics.

About 10 groups of 10 participated in the clean-up and chose their coastal areas/zones for cleaning. It was always a worthwhile experience to volunteer and contribute in helping our environment be cleaned. After all, humans are the reason of waste generation hence humans must do its part in helping clean the environment.

2022 September 23 PSFI Tab Aplaya Coastal Cleanup

2022 November 09 PSFI-SHIFT Tab Aplaya Coastal Clean-up


November 09, 2022, Wednesday-PSFI -SHIFT Tabangao Aplaya-Coastal Clean-up Activity

Last November 09, 2022, 12 representatives from CPM participated in Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. (PSFI) and Shell Import Facility Terminal (SHIFT) for the Coastal Clean-up Activity at Tabangao Aplaya, Batangas City.

The clean-up started 6:30 AM and ended until 9:30 AM. The shoreline in the area was refreshed and cleaned thoroughly.


Thanks for the wonderful volunteers who gave their time and did their part in cleaning and taking care of the environment!


2022 November 09 PSFI-SHIFT Tab Aplaya Coastal Clean-up

2022 DECEMBER 10 

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December 10, 2022, Saturday-Christmas Gift Giving

It's the most wonderful time of the year!


CPM joins the community in celebrating the spirit of Christmas -- to share, to give, to love and to bless other peoples' lives especially the nearby community that CPM operates on.


Sharing blessings that we receive is part of our commitment to our community.


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Mr. Edward Seno, CPM's Business Development and Program Integration Manager, gave an inspirational opening message before proceeding with the gift giving.

Even though there is a low pressure area and intermittent drizzle rain at the time of giving, about 80 families were blessed and received grocery items as Christmas presents! 


2022 December 10-Christmas Gift Giving

2022 fourth quarter coastal clean-up at shift jetty shoreline


December 16, 2022, Friday - SHIFT Jetty Shoreline - Quarterly Coastal Clean-up Activity

We are back!


CPM has committed to go back every 3 months to collect non-biodegradable solid wastes from SHIFT Jetty Shoreline. This is our commitment to our client, the environment and  the community.

The team had collected about 20 sacks of non-biodegradable wastes. The team had observed frequent wastes such as slippers, lighters, styrophors, plastic bottles, nylon ropes.

Tacad river and delta and nearby areas are usual upstream sources of solid waste that are washed ashore at SHIFT jetty shoreline when there are flood or typhoons.

Besides the quarterly CSR Coastal Clean-up activity, another team from CPM conducts at least 30 minutes daily to pick-up non-biodegradable wastes to reduce the piling-up of solid wastes.

Amazingly, somehow nature helps itself in cleaning by washing ashore the wastes generated by humans and somehow we are happy to help and contribute in the solid waste management to promote welfare to the environment.

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2022 Fourth Quarter Coastal Clean-up at SHIFT Jetty Shoreline

2023 July 22 - Blood Letting Activity

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July 22, 2023, Saturday - SHIFT Canteen - Blood Letting Activity

CPMCGSI is happy to conduct its first ever blood donation drive and hopes to do this every year!


We believe that every drop of blood counts and matter especially in life and death situations!

There were 43 successful blood donors coming from CPMCGSI and its partner contractors at SHIFT (BTSMC, i&e, Rock Gold Trading, DDM).

We thank also the Philippine Red Cross - Batangas Chapter as well as all the volunteers and organizers!

Fun fact:

Did you know that donating blood not only helps save lives but also has health benefits for the donors? When you donate blood, your body works to replenish the lost blood, which can stimulate the production of new blood cells. This process can help maintain healthy iron levels in your body.

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in carrying oxygen throughout your body. However, excess iron can be harmful and may lead to certain health issues. Regular blood donation can help reduce the risk of iron overload because each time you donate blood, you lose about 225 to 250 milligrams of iron. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who have high iron levels due to conditions like hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes the body to absorb too much iron.

So, not only does donating blood contribute to saving lives, but it can also be a healthy practice for the donors themselves by helping to maintain their iron levels within a healthy range!

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